News & Information
Welcome, Pastor Michael Meranda!
St. Paul is pleased to welcome Pastor Michael Meranda as our Interim Pastor beginning on January 2nd, 2024! Pastor Meranda will be in the church office on Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning his day at 10:00 am with prayers (on Tuesdays) and Bible study (on Thursdays). Should you need to contact him outside of office hours, you may reach him at 440-645-2586.
Celebrate Grand Families
“Celebrate Grand Families” is a support group for grandparents raising their grandchildren. St. Paul is reaching out to support these families with Christian compassion and a place to meet and discuss their needs. The group meets on the fourth Saturday of each month in the Parlor. While the grandparents meet, we will have crafts, games, bible stories, snacks, help with homework, tutoring, and a fun social time for children. If you wish to attend or are available to help, please contact Liz Chapin at 330-394-7308 or see Pastor Linda Murray.
Member Contact Cards
If anyone would like someone from the Evangelism Committee to contact another St. Paul member for any reason, please fill out the Member Contact Cards now located in the pews and place it in the offering plate or turn it into the church office. If you have any questions, please see Marty Maurice.
Splash Today
Splash Ministry is a monthly resource which is mailed to parents of children from ages newborn to 3 years. This resource helps young children to grow in their faith formation and provides fun and easy ideas for bringing faith into the everyday life of infants, toddlers, and their families. It also connects the church to families for support and encouragement. If you have further questions about the Splash Ministry, please see Bonnie Thompson or Brenda Ceplecci. Donations for Splash are always warmly welcomed and greatly appreciated.
Grief Ministry
One of the many ministries of our Social Committee is Grief Ministry. Joyce Osborn spearheads this ministry with God’s guidance and help. When a loved one dies, Joyce sends a set of four books called “Journeying through Grief” throughout the first year. Each book describes the issues and feelings that a person tends to encounter at various points of grief and offers suggestions on handling them. If Joyce can be of any help or if you have any questions during a time of grief, please contact her at 330-372-2136.
Helping Hands
For many years, St. Paul has had a “Helping Hands” program dedicated to emergency needs such as food, baby supplies, and gasoline. Until we have a permanent pastor, emergency requests should be directed to Diana Bauman directly or through the church office. Donations in support of this ministry may be placed in the Helping Hands box located in the narthex, in the offering plate, or the church office, and are greatly appreciated.
Home Communion
Home Communion packages will be available in the church office Monday - Friday between 11:30am - 2:30pm. The Bread and Wine will have been consecrated and blessed during worship the prior Sunday. Please call Lynn at the church office (330-394-5741) to make arrangements for pick up, or see Marty if you prefer home delivery.
Cassel Hall Rental
A reminder that anyone wishing to rent Cassel Hall must call the church office to obtain the necessary paperwork, schedule the date, and verify the space is not already being used by the church, pre-school, DAR, or the Red Cross.
Flowers and Meditation Candles
Flowers and meditation candles for a particular Sunday are available to purchase as a dedication or commemoration of your special intentions. A meditation candle costs $5.00. Flowers cost $30.00 for two vases. Please use the order envelopes next to the flower chart on the bulletin board and pre-pay when you sign the chart.